Atoms, atomic structures, atomic theory, aufbau method, Hund’s rule, Pauli Exclusion principles, atomic spectra, molecules and chemical reaction, energetics, chemical equation and stoichiometry, atomic Structure and; Modern electronic theory of atoms; Radioactivity; Chemical kinetics, collision theory, Kinetic theory of gases, solution, solubility and solubility product. Electro chemistry, electrode potential, half-cell equation.
Laboratory experiments designed to reflect the topics taught in CHM 101 and CHM 102 such as qualitative and quantitative chemical analysis, acid-base titrations. Gravimetric analysis. Calculation, data analysis and presentation. Functional group analysis
Definitions of science and technology. Scientific methodology, Historical development of science and technology, Man- his origin and nature, Man and his cosmic environment. Science and technology in the society and service of man. Renewable and non-renewable resources. Man and his energy resources. Impact of science and technology. Environmental effects of scientific and technological developments. Ethical problems in science and technology.
GNS 101 is English for Academic Purpose (EAP) course. The objective of this course is to equip students with skills that are necessary for learning and studying effectively in a university and communicating in English as a Second Language. Topics taught include: Time Management; Study Skills; Scientific Word Formation; Parts of Speech; Aspects of English grammar, Note-taking/Note-making.
This course is designed primarily for all students admitted into the Federal University of Technology, Akure. It provides a comprehensive knowledge and insight into engineering drawing as a basic tool of engineering. Topics to be covered include: Instruments for engineering drawing and their uses. Drawing Paper Sizes; Margins; and Title Blocks. Lettering and types of line. Geometrical construction: bisection of lines and angles and their applications. Polygon, tangency, locus of simple mechanisms. Pictorial drawing; Isometric, oblique and perspectives. Orthographic projection. Dimensioning and development of simple shapes. Assembly drawing of simple components. Conventional representation of common engineering features. Freehand sketching. Use of engineering drawing software of the department.
 This course is introductory to the study of Mining Engineering. It is designed primarily for mining engineering students to keep them abreast of what Mining Engineering is all about and to prepare the students for the task ahead. This course is about rocks and minerals – their origins and classifications. It also entails mining methods (surface and underground methods) that can be employed to excavate the rocks/minerals from their parent rocks or formation place. The course is compulsory and it will also cover unit operations in mining, Mine Surveying, GIS, and stages in the life of a mine. Mining and its consequences, processing and uses of minerals will also be taught. Finally, Government roles and regulation will be discussed.
Space and Time, frames of reference, Invariance of physical laws, relativity of simultaneity, relativity of time intervals, relativity of length, units and dimension; standards and units, unit consistency and conversions. Kinematics vectors and vector addition, components of vectors, unit vectors, products of vectors. Displacement, Time and average velocity, instantaneous velocity, average acceleration, motion with constant acceleration, freely falling bodies, position and velocity vectors, acceleration vector, projectile motion. Motion in a circle and relative velocity. Fundamental laws of mechanics: forces and interactions, Newton’s first law, Newton’s second law, mass and weight, Newton’s third law. Statics and dynamics: application of Newton’s laws, dynamics of particles, frictional forces, dynamics of circular motion. Galilean invariance, universal gravitation, gravitational potential energy, elastic potential energy, conservative and non-conservative forces. Work and energy, kinetic energy and the workenergy theorem, power, momentum and impulse, conservation of momentum, collisions and momentum conservation, elastic collisions, centre of mass. Rotational dynamics and angular momentum angular velocity and acceleration, energy in rotational motion, parallel axis theorem, torque, torque and rotation about a moving axis, simple harmonic motion and its applications. The simple pendulum, damped oscillations, forced oscillations and resonance.
This course is an exploratory course. It is designed to meet the need of the students in the basic knowledge of Physics especially in the area of the properties of matter which is an essential ingredient for the understanding of the principle of the movement of particles in materials. The course will meet the need of students in physical, chemical and biological sciences. It is also a relevant material for students in engineering and also finds useful applications in environmental science and technology.
This course is an exploratory practical course in physics. It is designed for students in Physics and allied disciplines. It is a course designed so as to provide hands-on training in the use of some laboratory equipments as well as in report writing. As a practical course, the focus is to impart useful skills on the students in order to enhance their knowledge in Physics. Students are made to perform some experiments in the laboratory. These experiments are taking from mechanics and properties of matter and Optics, which are the core aspects of the Physics courses taking by students at the first semester of their 100 Level. Here, six major experiments are to be set and demonstrated for students. They are: i).Measurements, ii) Determination of acceleration due to gravity using spiral spring method, iii) Determination of acceleration due to gravity using compound pendulum method, iv) Determination of moment of inertia of a rigid body, v) Determination of refractive index of glass using rectangular prism, vi) Determination of refractive index of glass using triangular prism.
This course is an introductory, first course in geology for students in applied geology. Topics to be covered include: The Solar System. Earth as an evolving planet: - earth’s differentiation. The geologic time-scale and its methods of measurement. Origin and chemical evolution of atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere; the history of life from bacteria to man. Concepts of paleoclimate, paleogeography, paleooceanography, paleomagnetism. Basic principles of stratigraphy: - uniformitarianism, superposition, fauna and flora succession. Sedimentation: Principles and processes. Earth’s internal processes: igneous activities and metamorphism. Practical identification of common fossils and rock types.
Historical survey of the development and importance of organic chemistry, nomenclature and classes of organic and purification of organics compounds; qualitative and quantitative organic chemistry; stereo chemistry; determination of structure of organic compounds; Electronic theory in organic chemistry; saturated hydrocarbons; alkanes. Unsaturated hydrocarbons; alkenes, alkynes and aromatics. Functional group; carbonyls, halides, carboxylic acids and hydroxyl. Periodic table and periodic properties; periodic law. Moseley’s law, Valence Forces; structure of Solids; molecular and ionic forces. The Chemistry of selected metals and non- metals Quantitative analysis.
- History of Computers - Characteristics of a Computer System - Introductory to Programming - Strategies and techniques for application development - structured programming - problem decomposition and organization - basic debugging skills - visual basic programming language
This course is one of the preparatory courses on basic manufacturing processes, an important aspect of Mechanical Engineering. It is a compulsory course taken by all 100 level students in the university. The course is practically oriented and designed to introduce students to Mechanical Engineering workshop practices, manufacturing processes and properties of engineering materials which will help them as they progress in their courses. The course will help the students to be conversant with the workshop hazard and to observe all safety practices and codes. It cuts across all sections and departments of Mechanical Engineering workshop. Topics to be covered include introduction to basic manufacturing processes, organisation of workshop, workshop hazard and safety practices and codes, properties of engineering materials, bench-work and fitting, introduction to turning exercises (straight and step turning chamfering, screw cutting), milling and milling exercise, drilling techniques and exercise, sheet metal work, welding and soldering technique with exercises. Others are properties of wood, wood work and joinery exercises, workshop measurements, refrigeration and airconditioning: principles of operation, refrigerants and trouble shooting, Methods of leak detection, charging and discharging, safety precautions.
Function of a Real Variable: Definition of Functions of Real variable, Types of function. Graph of a function of real variables: Graphical representation.Limits and continuity of functions of real variables: Idea of limits of functions of real variable, the rate of change of a function, differentiation from first principle, the concept of continuity of function of real variable, Limits and limit location.Techniques of differentiation:Differentiation of the sum and difference of functions, differentiation of a product of functions, differentiation of a quotient of functions second and higher derivatives, differentiation of a function of a function, differentiation of inverse functions, differentiation of implicit functions, differentiation from parametric equations. Application of differentiation: Applications to kinematics, the tangent and normal to a curve, the maximum and minimum of a function.Extreme curve sketching: Turning points of a curve,minimum and maximum values of a curve.Integration: Integration of a constant,methods of integration , integration of rational algebraic fractions, integration by substitution, integration by partial fractions, integration of trigonometric functions . Applications of integration: Application of geometry and mechanics, areas of plane shapes,volume of plane shapes.